Christopher Saunders
Christopher Saunders has over 20 years’ experience working in the arts, community and cultural sectors as a producer, affiliator and social change initiator and in undertaking innovative community consultation projects.

“The best arts projects I’ve worked on, have started with ideas that have come from the, community”


Kath Fielden
A lawyer and community arts worker, with extensive experience working in Local and State Government, for non-profit community organisations and in private enterprise. Kath has demonstrated expertise, skills and experience in governance, securing funding partnerships, and in the sustainable management of community organisations

“As a cultural planner and a lawyer, I always start with strengths. In every community I have worked in, the greatest asset has always been the people.”

“We took great value from your insights, which will serve to ground us as we go through our careers.”

— Polly Wilson, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

“THANK YOU for doing so much for this town.”

— Lisa Who - Curve Gallery, Newcastle